

Xiao Hong, our monitor and one of my good friends, got a cold last Monday and has been in hospital for three days. We suggested seeing her to show our concern. So yesterday we went to the hospital. Since I have known for long that Xiao Hong is fond of doggy, I bought a very cute doggy toy before going there.

On seeing the toy, Xiao Hong couldn  t help screaming. She hugged the toy which was so lovely and cute again and again. She was moved because we all came to see her. We expressed our hope that she could recover as soon as possible. I told her that the doggy represented my hope of her recovering and my cherishing of our friendship. I believe she will be well soon and come back to us again!




好词:1. concern n.关心2. screaming a.尖叫的3.hug v.拥抱4.cherish v.珍爱

好句:1. We suggested seeing her to show our concern.


好处:suggest doing,建议做什么。

2. I told her that the doggy represented my hope of her recovering and my cherishing of our friendship.






How to Protect Our Eyesight

As we can see in the picture, nowadays most students wear glasses because they are short  sighted due to high study pressure. With the help of glasses, they can see the blackboard clearly.

This phenomenon must be paid attention to. We should reduce the time of reading and when we read, do read in the bright place so as to protect our eyes. Besides, the eye exercises are another way to keep eyes healthy. After school, we  d better get more sleep so that the eyes can get more rest.

As the saying goes, eyes are the window of our hearts. If you can follow the methods mentioned above, you can surely have a good eye  sight.


本文采用三段论的方式,分析图画,提出建议,提出希望,叙述比较详细。文中用了两个伴随状语,使得文章非常连贯。这个独立结构也很好。此外,作者还是用了比较复杂的句子,We should reduce the...采用复合结构,讲出了多个保护视力的要点。


好词1. phenomenon n.现象2. so as to 以便

好句1. With the help of glasses, they can see the blackboard clearly.


好处:with 引导状语表示伴随。

2. As the saying goes, eyes are the window of our hearts.




How to Protect Our Eyesight

Look at the picture and you will find the worrying phenomenon: most students now wear glasses. Because of unhealthy ways of using eyes and high study pressure, students get short  sighted easily.

However, we can do something to protect our eyes from getting short  sighted. When reading, make sure you are in the bright place and let your eyes rest every hour. If your eyes are aching,doing some eye exercises can relieve your eye tiredness. It will be good to your eyes to take enough sleep. I believe you can protect your eyes if you follow the tips.

Hope every one of you have a clear world!




好词1. ache v. 疼痛2. pressure n. 压力3. relieve v.缓解

好句1. However, we can do something to protect our eyes from getting short sighted.


好处:do something to,采取措施。

2. If your eyes are aching, doing some eye exercise can relieve your eye tiredness.






Dear Amy,

I  m Li Hua from Xinhua Middle School of China. I  m sorry to hear that you got the lung cancer which brought you great pain. But you should realize that you are young and have a promising great future. So, stand up and fight against the disease! I  m sure you will win. It is reported that the America anti  cancer association will donate three cents upon every comfort letter you receive. So I will tell your situation to all my friends and ask them to write to you. In that way, you will get enough money for you to be cured. Hope you can be well soon.


Li Hua


本文依照要求,涵盖了所有要点。文章使用了高中常见的句式,如I  m sorry to hear that..., It is reported that...等,都比较好。作者对定语从句的使用恰到好处地修饰了文章,行文自然而通顺,值得学习。


好词1.realize v.意识到2.promise v.允诺3.donate v.捐赠

好句1. I  m sorry to hear that you got the lung cancer which brings you great pain.


好处:which 引导限制性定语从句。

2. So, stand up and fight against the disease!




Dear Amy,

My name is Li Hua, a student from Xinhua Middle School in China. I have got to know that you got lung cancer and are in great pain. Sorry to hear that. But since you are young, the disease won  t be very serious and you can beat it. It is said that the more letters you receive, the more money the America anti  cancer association will donate. For every letter, they give three cents. So I will try as hard as possible to persuade my friends to write to you so as to help you get enough money to cure the disease. I  m sure you will be OK soon.


Li Hua


文章整体来说一气呵成,衔接自然。通过诸如原因状语从句的使用,使得文章内容饱满,过渡自然,较好地使用了诸如but,so 之类的连词。文章使用了“the +比较级,the +比较级”的句式,十分出彩。


好词1. cure v.治愈2. association n.协会3.donate v.捐赠

好句1. But since you are young, the disease won  t be very serious and you can beat it.



2. It is said that the more letters you receive, the more money the America anti  cancer association will donate.


好处:the +比较级,表示强调。