Design and Implementation of a Baseline port of the Jikes Research Virtual Machine to the IA-64 Architecture.pdf
Of all 64-bit architectures, IA-64 is the most recent and offers exciting new features for compiler developers. IA-64 gains speed from efcient compilation, which is costly for Java, because the compilation of modules happens dynamically on the virtual machine. Lack of an opensource Java virtual machine for the IA-64 which allows for research on code generation techniques lead us to pursue this work. This work presents a baseline code generator for the IA-64 architecture. This code generator is a part of the Jikes Research Virtual Machine for Java written in Java. To our knowledge, this work presents the rst opensource, just-in-time virtual machine for Java on IA-64 architecture
坚守师德底线Keep the Baseline of Teachers´ Professional Ethics.ppt
A Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Treatment of Anxiety in ICD Patients Feasibility and Baseline Findings A Dissertation.pdf
A Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Treatment of Anxiety in ICD Patients Feasibility and Baseline Findings A DissertationA Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Treatment of Anxiety in ICD Patients Feasibility and Baseline Findings A DissertationA Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Treatment of Anxiety in ICD Patients Feasibility and Baseline Findings A Dissertation
Baseline Technical and Economic Assessment of a Commercial Scale F-T Liq. Facility_2.pdf
BaselineTechnical EconomicAssessment CommercialScale Fischer-Tropsch Liquids Facility DOE/NETL-2007/
who -HeRAMS Tigray Baseline Report 2023 - Communicable disease services.pdf
who -HeRAMS Tigray Baseline Report 2023 - Communicable disease serviceswho -HeRAMS Tigray Baseline Report 2023 - Communicable disease serviceswho -HeRAMS Tigray Baseline Report 2023 - Communicable disease services
3Com Baseline Switch 2916-SFP Plus and Baseline Switch 2924 ....pdf
3Com® Baseline Switch 2916-SFP Plus and Baseline Switch 2924 ...
