New Year's Sacrifice.txt
LUXUN NEWYEAR´S SACRIFICE (Translated YangHsien-yi GadysYang) New Year´s Eve oldcalendar seems after
BestDetective Short Stories gooddetective short stories, arranged all"real detective stories": stori
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HAPPY NEW YEAR英语手抄报内容-www.zjjsepc.com提供.txt
HAPPYNEW YEAR 英语手抄报内容| 提供 HAPPY NEW YEAR 英语手抄报内容 (一)Spring Festival mostimportant fes
The Best Year of Our Life.txt
我们全都在直奔天堂,我们全都在直奔相反的方向。——《双城记》狄更斯 0. 1934 年,大萧条的阴云仍未在美/国的天空上散去。罗斯福的上台看起来让一切都好了一点,又或者并没有好那么一点。至少对于刚从大
商务英语原文--Preservative Frees Snack Bar With Two-year Shelf Life.txt
PreservativeFrees Snack Bar Two-yearShelf Life AgriculturalResearch Service (ARS) said preservativec
商务英语原文--Make Over $150 000 a Year With Vending Machines.txt
Hi,My name is Max Woody and I´m the president of Best Choice Vending, Inc., located in Durham, NC. I´ve been in the Vending Business now for over 11 years.
Several filings just before deadline ensure races in this year's election.txt
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商务英语原文--A New Year´s Resolution Simplify your Life.txt
Time is something of which none of us seems to have enough. We live in a fast-paced world of new technologies designed to keep us moving faster and faster. Such things as microwave ovens, cell phones and high-speed internet allow us to accomplish our tasks in less time, but instead of enjoying this savings, most of us just add more responsibilities to our day.
商务英语原文--High Prices to ´persist´ Next Year in China.txt
High prices will continue to make life difficult for consumers next year because the government is likely to further deregulate prices of public utility items such as water, power and natural gas.
