Paper-based 3D microfluidic device for multiple bioassays.pdf
Paper-based 3D microfluidic device for multiple bioassays
New Substructure Filters for Removal of Pan Assay Interference Compounds (PAINS) from Screening Libraries and for Their Exclusion in Bioassays.pdf
New Substructure Filters for Removal of Pan Assay Interference Compounds (PAINS) from Screening Libraries and for Their Exclusion in BioassaysNew Substructure Filters for Removal of Pan Assay Interference Compounds (PAINS) from Screening Libraries and for Their Exclusion in BioassaysNew Substructure Filters for Removal of Pan Assay Interference Compounds (PAINS) from Screening Libraries and for Their Exclusion in Bioassays
development of cadmium bioassays using the green alga chlamydomonas reinhardtii.pdf
development of cadmium bioassays using the green alga chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Integration of Bioassays on Microfluidic Platforms and Analysis of Detection Performance.pdf
Integration of Bioassays on Microfluidic Platforms and Analysis of Detection Performance
techniques for evaluating power plantdischarges using in-situ breakdown and flow though laboratory sediment bioassays.pdf
techniques for evaluating power plantdischarges using in-situ breakdown and flow though laboratory sediment bioassays
the effects of algae on the efficacy of bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis against larval black flies (diptera simuliidae) in laboratory bioassays.pdf
the effects of algae on the efficacy of bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis against larval black flies (diptera simuliidae) in laboratory bioassays
incorporating ground beetle (coleoptera carabidae) assemblage data and earthworm bioassays in the ecological risk assessment of a trap and skeet shooting range.pdf
IncorporatingGround Beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) Assemblage Data EarthwormBioassays EcologicalRisk
Integrated Nanoplasmonic Optical Microfluidics for Label-free Bioassays(集成纳米等离子体光学微流控技术,用于无标记生物测定).pdf
Integrated Nanoplasmonic Optical Microfluidics for Label-free Bioassays(集成纳米等离子体光学微流控技术,用于无标记生物测定)
Human adenoviruses new bioassays for antiviral screening and….pdf
Human adenoviruses new bioassays for antiviral screening and…

