DRB10401-restricted human T cell clone specific for the major proinsulin73-90 epitope expresses a down-regulatory T helper 2 phenotype.pdf
DRB10401-restricted human T cell clone specific for the major proinsulin73-90 epitope expresses a down-regulatory T helper 2 phenotype
sequence typing confirms that a predominant listeria monocytogenes clone caused human listeriosis cases and outbreaks in canada from 1988 to 2010.pdf
sequence typing confirms that a predominant listeria monocytogenes clone caused human listeriosis cases and outbreaks in canada from 1988 to 2010
a class ii-restricted cytotoxic t-cell clone recognizes a human minor histocompatibility antigen with a restricted tissue distribution.pdf
a class ii-restricted cytotoxic t-cell clone recognizes a human minor histocompatibility antigen with a restricted tissue distribution
Members of the MAZ Family A Novel cDNA Clone for MAZ from Human Pancreatic Islet Cells.pdf
Members of the MAZ Family A Novel cDNA Clone for MAZ from Human Pancreatic Islet Cells
鼠重组单克隆抗人JO-1抗体(克隆7BH12)MQR1.401,Mouse Recombinant Monoclonal Anti-Human Jo-1 Antibody (clone 7BH12),MQR1.401.pdf
鼠重组单克隆抗人JO-1抗体(克隆7BH12)MQR1.401,Mouse Recombinant Monoclonal Anti-Human Jo-1 Antibody (clone 7BH12),MQR1.401
An Integrated YAC Clone Contig for the WAGR Region on Human Chromosome 11p13-p14.1.pdf
An Integrated YAC Clone Contig for the WAGR Region on Human Chromosome 11p13–p14.1
Identification of a Novel Posttranscriptional Regulatory Element by Using a rev- and RRE-Mutated Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 DNA Proviral Clone as a Molecular Trap.pdf
Identification of a Novel Posttranscriptional Regulatory Element by Using a rev- and RRE-Mutated Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 DNA Proviral Clone as a Molecular Trap
The Resistance of Human APOBEC3H to HIV-1 NL4-3 Molecular Clone Is Determined by a Single Amino Acid in Vif.pdf
The Resistance of Human APOBEC3H to HIV-1 NL4-3 Molecular Clone Is Determined by a Single Amino Acid in Vif

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