Competition between formation of carbides and reversed austenite during tempering of a medium-manganese steel studied by thermodynamic-kinetic simulations and atom probe tomography.pdf
Competition between formation of carbides and reversed austenite during tempering of a medium-manganese steel studied by thermodynamic-kinetic simulations and atom probe tomography
structural formation and charge storage mechanisms for intercalated two-dimensional carbides mxenes.[2017][phys chem chem phys][10.1039c7cp00670e].pdf
structural formation and charge storage mechanisms for intercalated two-dimensional carbides mxenes.[2017][phys chem chem phys][10.1039c7cp00670e]
Experimental and thermodynamic study of tantalum-containing iron-based alloys reinforced by carbides Part I - Case of (Fe, Cr)-based ferritic steels.pdf
Experimental application and enhancement of the XFEM–GA algorithm for the detection of flaws in structures
designing flexible 2d transition metal carbides with strain-controllable lithium storage.[2017][proc natl acad sci u s a][10.1073pnas.1717219115].pdf
designing flexible 2d transition metal carbides with strain-controllable lithium storage.[2017][proc natl acad sci u s a][10.1073pnas.1717219115]
microstructure evolution in the cemented carbides wc-co ii. cumulated effects of cr additions and of the cw ratio on the crystal features of the wc grains.pdf
microstructure evolution in the cemented carbides wc–co ii. cumulated effects of cr additions and of the cw ratio on the crystal features of the wc grains
solid oxide membrane-assisted controllable electrolytic fabrication of metal carbides in molten salt.[2016][faraday disc.固体氧化物membrane-assisted可控在熔盐电解制.pdf
solid oxide membrane-assisted controllable electrolytic fabrication of metal carbides in molten salt.[2016][faraday disc.固体氧化物membrane-assisted可控在熔盐电解制
Experimental investigation and simulation of the effect of Ti and N contents on the formation of fcc-free surface layers in WC-Ti(C,N)-Co cemented carbides.pdf
Experimental investigation and simulation of the effect of Ti and N contents on the formation of fcc-free surface layers in WC–Ti(C,N)–Co cemented carbides
first-principles study of structural stability, elastic and electronic properties of ternary rare earth-transition metal-borides and carbides (rtxz, r=sc, y, and la, t=pt and pd, z=b and c, and...pdf
First-principlesstudy structuralstability, elastic ternaryrare earth-transition metal—Borides carbid

